Update to EMA post-authorisation procedural advice for users of the centralised procedure

The EMA has updated its post-authorisation procedural advice for users of the centralised procedure.

The latest version of the Q & A advice document, Rev. 99 is dated 20 June 2022.

Here, you can view the track changed and clean versions of the document.

Answers to the following questions have been updated:

3. Type II variations

3.14. What fee do I have to pay for a type II variation?

3.21. Do I need to confirm the maintenance of my orphan designation when applying for a type II variation?

4. Extension of Marketing Authorisation

4.7. Do I need to confirm the maintenance of my orphan designation when applying for an extension application?

10 Annual re-assessment

10.6. When, how and to whom shall I submit my annual re-assessment application?

12 Annual renewal of conditional marketing authorisations

12.2. When shall I submit my annual renewal application?

19 Transfer of Marketing Authorisation

19.5. How to choose the implementation date?