This quiz has 10 questions.
- The pass mark is 50%.
- For questions where there is more than one correct answer, no marks will be awarded for a part correct answer.
- At the end of the quiz, you be awarded a mark without revealing the correct response(s) to each question.
Select all that apply: Select all that apply: Select all that apply: The quiz pass mark is 50% , so you have passed! The quiz pass mark is 50%, so better luck next time!
#1. When does the Windsor Framework, an agreement between the UK and the EU on the way forward in Northern Ireland come into effect?
#2. In the UK, the International Recognition Procedure licensing route replaces which of the following licensing routes?
#3. Which of the following does the proposed new EU Pharmaceutical legislation repeal and replace ?
#4. The proposed new EU pharmaceutical legislation includes which of the following?
#5. Which of the following will the new EU Health Technology Assessment Regulation cover?
#6. Which of the following is the new regulation on Health Technology assessment in the EU?
#7. Which of the following regulatory agencies is NOT a member of the Access Consortium, collaborative initiative of the following governmental authorities that regulate human medicines and other health products
#8. On this date, the EU Clinical Trials Directive will stop becoming applicable to all Clinical Trial Applications submitted before or after the entry into application of the EU Clinical Trials Regulation.
#9. Which of the following regulatory agency/ies don’t participate in Project Orbis, a programme coordinated by the US FDA to review and approve promising cancer treatments?
#10. From this date, all new Clinical Trial Applications in the EU can only be submitted under the Clinical Trials Regulation (EU) 536/2014